Frame 1- Is a Location shot the sets the location and the mood of the film as its a wood and its dark many people associate dark woods with horror.
Frame 2- is showing the main chracter and her outfit is very plain and simple it looks like night wear. she looks around in cofusion like shes is lost this build tension as you don't know what is going on at the moment in time.
Frame 3- Is more establishing shot also that the shot rotates makes it feel weird and like its not real or something.
Frame 4 is high shot showing variety confusion as its in a weird angle and the girl looks very confused
Frame 5- Is a tracking shot as she looks around trying to figure out what is going on.
Frame 6- Is a very energetic shot as the girl hears sounds she panics as she trys to find out where it coming from.
Frame 7- is her walking but a image of a Heart appear this startles the audience as it only in 2 frames and it unpredictable.
Frame 8- is the girl walking into herself i used the simple clothes so you can identify the girl but now there is two so you know its the same person.
Frame 9- The switch of Location and the girl waking up ending the weird dream as the dull colour has been removed an now its all nice and bright contrast.