The Equipment

This is all the kit I used to make my Film Opening Project.
I used a Sony High Definition Camera which uses HDV tapes. It also has a Tripod and the camera uses a High Quality Mic that is connected to the Camera and we had to use the head sets to hear.

Programs I uesed during this project were After Effects, Final Cut and Photoshop.
After Effects is an editing Software which is also used to add text animation and effects to film or compalations. I used it to try out special effects and Filters. But didn't use it in my Final Piece as i had some technical difficulties.
Final Cut is Digital Editing Software. you can upload vedio of camera, video cameras and phones. you then can use the footage cut and edit and re-arrange to your liking it also has some effects that can be added like filter blurs. you also can edits speed. I used it to edit and add effects and sound to my film and even text for my Titles.
Photoshop is an Digital image editor it is used to improve or change images using effects and layer to develop pictures. I used it to make my Demon Faces using the key frames of the Demon Sequence and used Masks and Smuge tool to get my demon effects.
Skills i would like to improve for next project is?
I would like to improve my knowlage on After Effect and use it in my next project to get some great effects that would not be possible on any of the avalible Software. I will cheak online totrural on the web and ask people who ahve knoledge of the program
I would like to look and lern more interesting camera shot and how to co-ordinate each shot perfectly. How to properly organise a film shot so i can get the best result. Start to watch more film like some well known idependents for they seem to explore interesting shots then hollywood filmmakers so they can be noticed.
I need to learn how to use green screen so my possiblitys of film location and types can open up for more opitunities. Ask for a tutorial with teachers or other people to learn and get a chance to use it.
How i will Help Next time
In this Project i help a few people more with acting and only 1 or 2 people with technical issues. But i didn't help Sam, Alexander or Ash with there work. next project I look to wonder round the class and see if everyone's okay and if they need any help at all as there not going to ask me if i don't say I will help with anyone.
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