Thursday 5 March 2009

9 Key Frames

Frame 1- Is a Location shot the sets the location and the mood of the film as its a wood and its dark many people associate dark woods with horror.

Frame 2- is showing the main chracter and her outfit is very plain and simple it looks like night wear. she looks around in cofusion like shes is lost this build tension as you don't know what is going on at the moment in time.

Frame 3- Is more establishing shot also that the shot rotates makes it feel weird and like its not real or something.

Frame 4 is high shot showing variety confusion as its in a weird angle and the girl looks very confused

Frame 5- Is a tracking shot as she looks around trying to figure out what is going on.

Frame 6- Is a very energetic shot as the girl hears sounds she panics as she trys to find out where it coming from.

Frame 7- is her walking but a image of a Heart appear this startles the audience as it only in 2 frames and it unpredictable.

Frame 8- is the girl walking into herself i used the simple clothes so you can identify the girl but now there is two so you know its the same person.

Frame 9- The switch of Location and the girl waking up ending the weird dream as the dull colour has been removed an now its all nice and bright contrast.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This is my Main Character. In this shot she woken up from her nightmare. She is wearing plain white night wear.

This is the main character from An American Haunting as you can see she is wearing a white night gown and has been disturbed and woken up in shock.

you can see they both have things in common. Both films are horror. the angle of the shots are very similar to eachother mine being high and An American Hunting is a lower shot. They both have panic expression like they have woken up from a nightmare or have heard something scary. They are both young girls. in the same kind of plain white cloths showing innocence.
The only Difference is that the period the film are based on. My film is based in modern time and An American Haunting is based in the 1800's.

What kind of media istituation might distribute your media product and why? How did you attract/adress your audience?

This is a little commentary i did about my film and distributers

Who would be the audience for your product?

What kind Of 'Genre' do you think this film belongs to? Why?
Horror, because of the setting, music and loneliness + Screms
I feel this because it's set in a forest and it goes from having one girl in the woods to two girls. then blood and guts, also with the creepy atmosphere and music i would defo say its a horror

Who do you think the 'target audience' of this film would be? Why?
people who like odd wired horror films also people who like a twist.
it's a bit random too, random people who like random things should like this.

i think the target audience is young people, beacuse its a young person in the film

What is your favourite image from this film? Why?
The heart flashing it adds a 'scary' effect.
When the two girls are side by side facing each other, I thought the way was edited and filmed was well done.

If you were to borrow one idea from this film for your own film making project, what would it be &why?
Flashing heart
The way it went from scary girl in the woods back to a diffrent scene to somthing like a dream

Jake and Jim's feedback

This is feedback we got from jake and jim two professional film makers.

Very Silent Hill the Music, Shade and text gives it a Horror feel
Over all it's good but you could of changed the varity of shots because most shots are medium. Long shots could give the effect of being lost and close up keeps it different. Also maybe have a little more build up till the girl changes or go a wide shot and quickly close up to her changing. Also the wake up scene she could wake up right in to the camera.

What I have learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

The Equipment

This is all the kit I used to make my Film Opening Project.
I used a Sony High Definition Camera which uses HDV tapes. It also has a Tripod and the camera uses a High Quality Mic that is connected to the Camera and we had to use the head sets to hear.

Programs I uesed during this project were After Effects, Final Cut and Photoshop.
After Effects is an editing Software which is also used to add text animation and effects to film or compalations. I used it to try out special effects and Filters. But didn't use it in my Final Piece as i had some technical difficulties.
Final Cut is Digital Editing Software. you can upload vedio of camera, video cameras and phones. you then can use the footage cut and edit and re-arrange to your liking it also has some effects that can be added like filter blurs. you also can edits speed. I used it to edit and add effects and sound to my film and even text for my Titles.
Photoshop is an Digital image editor it is used to improve or change images using effects and layer to develop pictures. I used it to make my Demon Faces using the key frames of the Demon Sequence and used Masks and Smuge tool to get my demon effects.
Skills i would like to improve for next project is?

I would like to improve my knowlage on After Effect and use it in my next project to get some great effects that would not be possible on any of the avalible Software. I will cheak online totrural on the web and ask people who ahve knoledge of the program

I would like to look and lern more interesting camera shot and how to co-ordinate each shot perfectly. How to properly organise a film shot so i can get the best result. Start to watch more film like some well known idependents for they seem to explore interesting shots then hollywood filmmakers so they can be noticed.

I need to learn how to use green screen so my possiblitys of film location and types can open up for more opitunities. Ask for a tutorial with teachers or other people to learn and get a chance to use it.

How i will Help Next time

In this Project i help a few people more with acting and only 1 or 2 people with technical issues. But i didn't help Sam, Alexander or Ash with there work. next project I look to wonder round the class and see if everyone's okay and if they need any help at all as there not going to ask me if i don't say I will help with anyone.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

During the making of my opening sequence i learnt a lot about the 180 degree rule and Continuity. in my film my character moves left to right for a while then slow rotates round so she going right to left. This is not sudden it gradually rotates which doesn't make it look out of place and wired.
In my continuity task i use a lot of over the shoulder and close up i planned to use over the shoulder shots in my film but i have forgot extra costume so i couldn't get a stand in so i could do the over shoulder shot. But i did do revers shots but not so many close ups.

Information Cloud Invoice

People who Helped me

People I have Helped

Sunday 1 March 2009

If I had One More Day To Edit

If I had one more day to edit i would probably had put my film into after effects and added a filter to drain the colours down to give it a real Tim Burton look.

Evaluationon My Opeing Sequence

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

How does your media product represent particular social groups
My Product represent on the Dark Social Groups like Goths and Emos as its Dark and a Horror.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
My First Thought of Distributers is Twisted Pictures as they do alot of Horrors and Thrillers like Saw and Dead Silence.

But that you be if my film is a big Hollywood Blockbuster
But its rare to see big Horror Film come From the UK. So mine could come under independant Horror.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
My main Audience are 16 and above. mainly for thrill seekers or people who like a good horror film. Mine may not be the most Amazing Horror of all time but i think it is a good first attempt at a genre that is hard to get a thrill out of.
How did you attract/address your audience?
I think the main thing that attract the audience is the name which mean female dream Demon and in the opening sequence the music gives it a dark and erey feel to it all.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have Learnt that technologies and High Tech Cameras are nothing if you don't have any good camera angle ideas and good movement. Also to try out new things and even if its not going to be used get it beacuse it mean you ahve more to play with. i learnt this from some story board of film shots have been changed for even better shots that made the film look even better.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
ive learnt to keep going at 100% concentration when editing beacuse you can make silly mistakes that make the film look bad also. Get as Much film as possible so you have so much to play with even if its only 2 minutes long 20 mins is what you need to aim for.

Final Opening Sequence

I have finished my opeing sequence. Looking at what everyone said in my feedback i have ticked mjorty of teh boxes to the best of my abilities.

I Also Made two Version.

Version 1 at the end has the main chracter wake up after her horrible nightmare.
Version 2 Has not go the Main Chracter waking up.

Version 1

Version 2

Editing Day 4

Today I Finished

I moved all my credits in to the right places and trimed off any unwated footage. unfortunatly my sequence wouldn't render in to an anamatic so i could get the best out of it in After Effects. i tyed a few time but it didn't work so i did my effect in Final Cut. I got wanted but i couldn't get it any more darker then i origanly wanted.

Now ive Uploaded to Youtube and to HD

Editing Day 3

What i did Today

Today i added a Song that my friends band has let me used. I have cut the film to fit with the song. Edited more of the sound effects and added the Credits to the film.

Still To Do

Put through After effect to add a filter to dim the colours.

Arange the credits so there not in the way of anything important.

Upload it to youtube and in HD